Daniel P. Wilde
I'm Dan. I grew up in Taylorsville, a suburb of Salt Lake City, Utah. My teenage years were spent skiing, golfing, mountain biking, hiking and camping (and attending high school now and then). After high school, I spent two years in Scotland on a religious service mission. During college, I met and married Chandi; and we started our family soon after.
I graduated from the University of Utah with a bachelor's degree in mass communications. Since the best job I could possibly hope to land with that degree would be writing obituaries, I went to law school in San Diego, California. Boogie boarding became my favorite pastime.
I graduated from law school and passed the California and Utah bar exams in 2007. After 13.5 years working at a small law firm in St. George, Utah, in the southwest corner of the state, I moved back to Salt Lake City and took a job as in-house counsel at a large company. I have six kids, and I love spending time with them and my wife.
I'm a lawyer, a pianist, a percussionist, a soccer dad, an armchair quarterback, and outdoor enthusiast, and now, an "author". In any remaining free time, I camp, cliff-jump, kayak, golf, do yardwork, and hike with my family. On the rare occasion I have free time after all of that, I write.
In addition to The Killing Sands series shown here on my website, I have another 3-book series that will be published soon, called Their World. Their World is an awesome adventure story about people who discover the bases for many of the myths and legends in our world, including the Bermuda Triangle, sasquatch, the Fountain of Youth, mermaids, and many others.
Daniel P. Wilde
I’m Dan. I grew up in Taylorsville, a suburb of Salt Lake City, Utah. My teenage years were spent skiing, golfing, mountain biking, hiking and camping (and attending high school now and then). After high school, I spent two years in Scotland on a religious service mission. During college, I met and married Chandi; and we started our family shortly after that.
I graduated from the University of Utah with a bachelor’s degree in mass communications. Since the best job I could possibly hope to land with that degree would be writing obituaries, I went to law school in San Diego, California. Boogie boarding became my favorite pastime.
I graduated from law school in 2007 and was offered a sweet job at a small firm in St. George, Utah, in the southwest corner of the state. I practice law in both California and Utah. I’ve been in St. George with my family for 10 years now. It’s hot here. I’m perspiring just thinking about it. But my life couldn’t be better. I’m a husband and a father of six. My wife and kids are amazing and keep me busy and young-ish. My wife is hot.
I’m a lawyer, a pianist, a percussionist, a Sunday School teacher, a soccer dad, an armchair quarterback, an outdoor enthusiast, and now, an “author”. In the very little free time I have, I camp, cliff-jump, kayak, golf, do yardwork, and hike with my family. On the rare occasion I have free time after all of that, I write.